Thursday, July 16, 2009

Back to work very slowly

It is almost four months since my surgery and I will be slowly re-integrating my back to work schedules into my routine. This coming Monday July 20th 2009 I will return to work every alternate days in the afternoon. I will still be continuing with my cardio rehab every morning.

Although I feel fine but I still feel tightness on my chest where the surgery took place and some funny sensation on my right shoulder blade. My blood test result taken in June was amazingly good and my family doctor Dr. Rodney Ng was very pleases with the outcome. That also mean I will have to stay on the same course in the way I eat.

I have been eating really tasteless home cook meal. The portion is always one-third vegetable, one-third grain and one-third protein (meat, fish or egg) for lunch and dinner. The meal is generally cooked with little oil and with no salt added. Breakfast consist of one cup of cooked steel cut oatmeal and a piece of toast with almond butter spread and a cup of coffee. That is right one cup of coffee in the morning and a second cup in the afternoon. I have actually cut my ten cups a day coffee down to two.
I still enjoy eating out from time to time but with guarded sensitivity on the food ordered. Usually, I prefer lean chicken with no skin, steak or most likely fish if broiled. Working on half a day on every alternate day mean I could still eat at home before going to work. However, soon or later I will have to work full day and I will have to bring my lunch to work and fine an alternative. I will plan for that when it is time for me to go back to work full-time.

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