Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Doing more hours at work

It is more than 5 months since my surgery. There are tightness in my chest where the surgery was perform otherwise I am feeling fine. My short term medical leave is running out soon and will have to go into my long term medical leave. However, I am not planning to enrole into the long term medical leave. I feeling really well and want to consider going back full time at work. My team has been kind to me and reduced my work load so far and I do not see any change when I am back full time.

A monthe ago I start 3 half days work schedule and last week I have extended it to 2 and a half days work. Starting next week I will be doing 3 and a half days work.

1 comment:

Presea said...

What does the doctor say about this plan?!

Don't overdo things!