Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Air Lift to St. Michael

Good to be back again. Sorry for no update lately because I was just re-released from St. Michael Hospital on Saturday at 10:00 am.

As in the previous update in this blog you will know that I was release by St. Michael Hospital on Monday March 30th 2009. Everything was going fine until that night. The cough kept me awake whole night.

Melissa arrived from the airport late on Tuesday morning and I am glad she home to take good care of me. Melissa’s drop Mrs. Tee to the GO station to go to work and than quickly return home to be with me. She prepared all the meals and my medicine and during through the day always constantly staying by my bedside.

That evening, Alan and Liz (close family friend) visited us and spend a good evening with us. Although I was tire, I was unable to shut my eye for some rest, even for 5 minutes. Tuesday night was a very bad night for me. I have not slept for 24 hrs and trying desperately to sleeping but the coughing kept waking me up. The next morning I inform Mrs. Tee the situation is now critical and we needed a solution to fix my sleep.

At 7:45 am on Wednesday morning (April fool day) Melissa drove Mrs. Tee and me to Dr. Rodney Ng office hoping the see him first in the morning. Unfortunately, Dr Rodney Ng will not be in his office till 9:30 am. Dr. Rodney Ng associate Dr Venturi was in the office but was fully book and unable to see me. However, after a few cell call we were able to see Dr. Venturi right away. After the initial investigation and consultation Dr. Venturi prescribe me Apo-Loranepam and send me home.

At home I took the medicine and tried to sleep, however that did not help and by mid-afternoon the situation is bad. I knew I was getting agitated easily and not my self. The following summary is from Melissa and Mrs. Tee’s statements because I have no recollection my behavior after 12:00 noon.

I was told I was acting erratic and Mrs. Tee was able to make another appointment with Dr. Rodney Ng for 6:30 pm after his last appointment. However, sometime at 3:00 pm the situation turn worse and Melissa and Mrs. Tee once again communicated with Dr Rodney Ng their intention to send me to the emergency but Dr. Rodney ask them to bring me to see him immediately. Once at the doctor’s office I was usher to see Dr. Rodney, and after examining me he request an ambulance to send me to Mississauga General Hospital. However, the ambulance sends me to Credit Valley Hospital. I was later told by my wife that I was at Credit Valley Hospital at 4:00 pm and by the time I was somewhat stabilized. When I come around all I heard is that they are using the helicopter to send me to St. Michael.

Sometime after that I was strapped and transported to the helicopter pad to be air lifted to St. Michael Hospital. After giving me a few short instruction I was place in the helicopter and send to St. Michael Hospital.
At St. Michael I was able to recall all the familiar nurses placing oxygen mask over me. I was able to have a good night sleep that night. By the next morning I woke up at 9:00 am to see my younger sister Lee by my bedside.

Later Dr Finley who was my constant physician at St. Michael during the post surgery care came by to inform me that there was a huge amount of access fluid in my lungs that he needed drained. After the routine check up he informed me that all is well and that, he will get the nurse to clean my dressing.

That afternoon Dr. Finley return to drain those access fluid in my lungs and he showed me a jar more than 1-liter fill with black fluid that was taken from my lungs. After that my breathing improved.

For now I will stop my writing and continue with more updates later. As you can see my recovery is progress steadily.

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